SSM Verification


How does it work?

To verify your registered SSM number within the platform, you will need to fill in the company/business credentials in Settings > Verify > SSM Verification. From there wait for a confirmation email from our team and the details will be updated accordingly. Once that’s all done the SSM number wil be added to your account. You can also toggle to show or hide your SSM number in Edit Profile > Settings(Gear Icon) > Show SSM Number(On/Off).

What information will be provided when I verify my SSM profile?

We will be retrieving information that contains your Business/Company name, Business/Company registration number and Your Principal name as stated on your NRIC. Only your name and information that can be checked through the SSM database will be retrieved.

How will my information be used?

We take your privacy very seriously. The information you provide during this process is governed by our Privacy Policy and it is safely secured with us. The information you provide will be used to help keep others informed and protect our users against fraudulent behaviour. Additionally, where required by applicable laws, we may provide information to government regulatory agencies to assist with criminal investigations.

Will my SSM information be shared with other Veryfied users?

You can choose to toggle show or hide your SSM number in Edit Profile > Settings(Gear Icon) > Show SSM Number(On/Off).