Mobile Number Verification


How does it work?

After you sign up you can choose to add a phone number to your account by going to Settings > Verify > Mobile Number. From there just add your phone number and key in the OTP(one time password) sent to you by SMS. You’ll then be awarded the third tick and let buyers know your profile has the first level of verification done. You can also toggle to show or hide your phone number in Edit Profile > Settings(Gear Icon) > Show Mobile Number (On/Off).

What information will be provided when I verify my mobile number?

We will be retrieving your mobile number to complete the verification process.

How will my information be used?

We take your privacy very seriously. The information you provide during this process is governed by our Privacy Policy and it is safely secured with us. The information you provide will be used to help keep others informed and protect our users against fraudulent behaviour. Additionally, where required by applicable laws, we may provide information to government regulatory agencies to assist with criminal investigations.

What is a valid mobile number?

A valid mobile number is one that has the Malaysian country code (+60) and is not currently in use by any other accounts within Veryfied.

How do I change my verified mobile number?

Changed your mobile number? No problem! Go to your Edit Profile > Verify > Change Mobile Number to update your mobile phone number.

Will my phone number be shared with other Veryfied users?

You can choose to toggle show or hide your mobile number in Edit Profile > Settings(Gear Icon) > Show Mobile Number(On/Off).