How can I report a user/listing/review?


See something against our Community Guidelines? Report it to us! Help us be the eyes and ears of the community and keep this platform a pleasant and safe marketplace for everyone.

To keep the process efficient do file a report to us via the app if it is regarding:

  • Suspicious Account

  • Defected items

  • Sale of Counterfeit Items

  • Duplicate posts

  • Sales of prohibited items

  • Wrongly Priced Listings

  • Back out buyer

  • Offensive behaviour/content

  • Irrelevant Keywords

  • Wrongly Categorised Items

*All reports are kept anonymous unless a direct follow up from the report is required.

After our moderators have reviewed your submitted report on a user/listing/review, you'll receive a message from our team.

Mobile App

To report a user

Via user profile

  • Go to the profile of the user you want to report

  • Select the ‘arrow button’ on the top right hand corner of the user’s profile

  • Select ”Report User” in the revealed menu

  • Select the appropriate reason for reporting

To report a listing

Via feed view

  • Go to the profile of the user you want to report

  • Select the ‘arrow button’ on the top right hand corner of the user’s profile

  • Select ”Report User” in the revealed menu

  • Select the appropriate reason for reporting

Via post view

  • Select the ‘arrow button’ on the top right hand corner of the listing

  • Select ”Report Listing” in the revealed menu

  • Select the appropriate reason for reporting

To report a review

Via review page

  • Select the ‘arrow button’ on the top right hand corner of the listing

  • Select ”Report Review” in the revealed menu

  • Select the appropriate reason for reporting